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Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Guidelines: Empowering Decision Making

Respecting Autonomy

Importance of Autonomy: Individuals with decision-making capacity should retain the right to make their own choices.

Assessment Criteria: Strict assessment criteria must be followed to determine an individual's capacity to make decisions.

Empowering Individuals

Objective of MCA: The main aim of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) is to ensure the safety of individuals while empowering them to make their own decisions whenever possible.

Support for Decision Making: If someone lacks capacity due to mental incapacity, efforts should be made to provide support and involve them in decision-making processes.

Decision Making Process

Assessment Process: Trained professionals conduct assessments to determine an individual's capacity to make decisions.

Encouraging Simple Decisions: Even if individuals struggle with complex decisions, they should still be encouraged to make simpler ones.

Ensuring Involvement and Best Interests

Involvement in Decision Making: Individuals should always be involved in decisions concerning them, with efforts made to explain the situation and provide them with a chance to contribute.

Decision Making in Best Interests: Decisions made on behalf of individuals must always be in their best interests, considering their past and present wishes, beliefs, and values.